Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flowers On My Brain!!!

I should have gotten an earlier start on dreaming of flowers, but hey, what can you do. Since the new crib has a sunroom, I've been dreaming of ways to decorate it and you can't go wrong with flowers. Day dreaming lead me to Google which is where I found these unique ideas (unique being the key word here on some). If you guys have any interesting or unique ideas you want to share with "everybody" (HA), let me know and I'll post them on here.

This boot has seen better days, if you ask me! Unique idea, but I don't think this is something I would try. You??

This is a cute idea if you had some land or something. Not real sure how this would look sitting out in my front yard!

Now this is amazing! Who would have ever thought to make a flower planter from their bra? Nice...

No Cash For Clunker Appliances Here! Turn that old broken down was tub into a flower planter! I wonder if someone could complain to the city on you for this? Hmmm...

That's All Folks!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should use a old toliet for a planter!!! Make sure you put it in the middle of the front yard so everyone can see it.
